SUBIC, Zambales – The USAID’s Fish Right Program spearheaded a crucial consultation with local government units (LGUs) and both commercial and municipal fishers from Region 3. Held November 29 until December 1, the focus of the activity was on developing a strong communication and cooperation mechanism for Fisheries Management Area 6 (FMA 6), a pivotal initiative for sustainable fisheries.
FMA 6, encompassing vital aquatic resources, plays a pivotal role in the Philippines’ fisheries landscape. The consultation, conducted in collaboration with BFAR Central Luzon, aimed to foster collaboration and streamline communication channels among stakeholders. This strategic alliance is crucial to ensuring the success of the broader FMA project.
Participants mostly from the provinces of Pampanga, Bataan, Bulacan and Zambales, engaged in dynamic discussions, addressing challenges and identifying opportunities for synergy. The outcome promises to enhance resource management, curb illegal fishing practices, and promote the well-being of both marine ecosystems and the communities relying on them.